Chess Library

Скачать Nigel Davies - The Chess players battle manual.djvu (9.38 MB)
Polugayevsk, Lyev - Grandmaster Achievement.pdf (26.31 MB)
Reinfeld, Fred - Chess for Amateurs.pdf (10.41 MB)
Stohl - ChessMasterpieces.pdf (23.44 MB)
The Penguin Book Of Chess Positions - C H Od Alexander.pdf (16.35 MB)
Keene, Raymond - Karpov-Korchnoi 1978 - Parapsychology, Gurus and the KGB.pdf (5.67 MB)
John Emms - Simple Chess.pdf (9.42 MB)
Estrin, Yakov - Gambits.pdf (3.38 MB)
Staunton, Howard - Chess Praxis - A Supplement to the Chess Players Handbook.pdf (16.88 MB)
Staunton, Howard - The Chess Players Hand Book.pdf (17.49 MB)
Staunton, Howard - The Chess Players Companion.pdf (15.12 MB)
Staunton, Howard - The Chess Players Text-Book.pdf (8.11 MB)
Hanauer, Milton - Chess for You and Me.pdf (16.62 MB)
Horowitz, Al - The World Chess Chamionship.pdf (7.74 MB)
Euwe, Max & Nunn, John - The Development of Chess Style.pdf (7.01 MB)
Soviet school of chess.djvu (3.94 MB)
Kasparov - My Great Predecessors Volume 1.pdf (33.05 MB)
Kasparov - My Great Predecessors Volume 2.pdf (55.06 MB)
Kasparov - My Great Predecessors Volume 3.pdf (36.19 MB)
Kasparov - My Great Predecessors Volume 4.pdf (56.61 MB)
Kasparov - My Great Predecessors Volume 5.pdf (16.09 MB)
Euwe, Max - Meet the Masters.PDF (29.06 MB)
Freeborough, E. & Ranken, C.E. - Chess Openings - Ancient and Modern.pdf (13.76 MB)
Cook, William - The Chess Primer.pdf (891.23 KB)
Crouch, Colin - Delayed Castling.pdf (2.51 MB)
Chess_Training_For_Budding_Chess_Champio n.pdf (37.52 MB)
Lasker, Edward - Chess for Fun & Chess for Blood.pdf (20.66 MB)
Tarrasch, Siegbert - The Game of Chess.pdf (18.36 MB)
Horowitz, I.A. & Mott-Smith, Geoffrey - Point Count Chess.pdf (13.79 MB)
Gelb,Michael J. & Keene, Raymond - Samurai Chess - Mastering Art of the Mind.pdf (6.04 MB)
Pierce, James & Timbrell W. - English Chess Problems.pdf (313.91 KB)
Kling, Joseph & Horwitz, Bernard - The Chess Player.pdf (14.49 MB)
Frey, Peter W. (ed.) - Chess Skill in Man and Machine.djvu (3.3 MB)
Horowitz, I.A. & Mott-Smith, Geoffrey - Point Count Chess.pdf (13.79 MB)
Tarrasch, Siegbert - The Game of Chess.pdf (18.36 MB)
Computer_Analysis_of_World_Chess_Champio ns.pdf (247.03 KB)
Chess_Training_For_Budding_Chess_Champio n.pdf (37.52 MB)
Petrosian, Tigran & Matanovic, Aleksandar - Soviet Union vs. World.djvu (3.28 MB)
Chernev, Irving - The Russians Play Chess.pdf (6.21 MB)
Pandolfini, Bruce - The Q&A Way in Chess.djvu (1.65 MB)
John Nunns Chess Puzzle Book.pdf (5.78 MB)
Russian for Chessplayers - Hannon Russell.pdf (12.85 MB)
Gilberg, Charles A. - Crumbs from the Chess-Board.pdf (205.33 KB)
Walker, George - The Chess Player.pdf (5.32 MB)
Pardon, George Frederick - A Handbook of Chess.pdf (1.93 MB)
Summerscale, Aaron & Claire - Interview with a Grandmaster.pdf (23.1 MB)
Vogt , Carl Frederick - Letters on Chess.pdf (2.96 MB)
Euwe, Max - Chess Master vs. Chess Amateur.pdf (12.6 MB)
Wenman, P. - 175 Chess Brilliancies.pdf (18.28 MB)
Reshevsky, Samuel - Great Chess Upsets.pdf (11.31 MB)
Gligoric, Svetozar - Shall We Play Fischerandom Chess.pdf (7.48 MB)
Cochrane, John - A Treatise on the Game of Chess.pdf (10.99 MB)
Krogius, Nikolai - Psychology in Chess.pdf (11.85 MB)
Nimzowitch, Aaron - Chess Praxis.pdf (11.55 MB)
Lasker, Emanuel - Common Sense in Chess.pdf (3.94 MB)
Seven is the Limit (gnv64).pdf (5.19 MB)
Remke, Kruk - Queens Move - Women and Chess Through the Ages.pdf (2.16 MB)
Collins, John W. - Maxims of Chess.pdf (6.42 MB)
Cluley, William - The Philosophy of Chess.pdf (4.26 MB)
Bird, H.E. - Chess History and Reminiscences.pdf (267.53 KB)
Abrahams, Gerald - Chess.pdf (24.35 MB)
ajedrez_1960-10.djvu (637.56 KB)
Alburt, Lev & Palatnik, Sam - The King in Jeopardy.PDF (2.86 MB)
Benko, Pal & Hochberg, Bert - Winning with Chess Psychology.pdf (8.48 MB)